Monday, February 20, 2006

Let's Take it Up a Notch

I was watching my line-up of cartoons this past Sunday when I saw an Axe body spray commercial describing some guy as a 'one-upper.' An example of a one-upper is someone that upon being told a story, they instinctively respond with a similar story.. except that it is better, more absurd, and just cooler than your's. I've been a magnet for these type of people for decades. (It's not hard to detect them, because once you engage in conversation with them you can tell they're not really listening- they're just waiting for their chance to talk again.) I'm not certain of it, but I'm pretty sure I coined this term years ago. I consulted with LJ from that other blog, and he told me that he 'heard it on Seinfeld.' But I've been googling this term and have only found two sites that used the one-upper in the same context. One was published on 2.17.2006, but that's years after I added this description into my lexicon. The other usage was in a movie review of Get Bruce by Roger Ebert in 1999. I've never even heard of this movie, much less read a critique of it. I'm just gonna go ahead and publicly state that I came up with the description of someone being a 'one-upper.'

By the way, check out the cast in Get Bruce. Whoopi, Robin Williams, Lily Tomlin, Raquel Welch, and Steven Seagal all playing as themselves? I might have to check this out. As another aside, I'd just like to inform yall that I should be studying for an oral surgery midterm as I write this. The fact that my all-time favorite movie, Life is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella), is on made it easier to put down the books. Unfortunately, the movie channel is airing the English dubbed version.. which is blasphemous. If you've seen this movie, props to ya.. I guess you all aren't the uncultured swine I mistook you for. If you haven't, I highly recommend getting a bottle of red wine and renting this one (just make sure you get the subtitled version). It'll make you laugh out loud and then make you really mad a minute later- kinda like hanging out with me.

Anyway, back to my original point.. I'm gonna set the record straight on another term. Wait, not term... but... DevTerm(tm)!

1. The nickname 'Weasel' - I wasn't the one to shorten this to the more commonly spoken 'Weezy,' but I'm pretty sure I was the first to state 'that guy seems like a Weasel.'

2. If I was feeling abit more self-absored right now, I would say that I brought the phrase 'It's time to take it up a notch!' to the sport of drinking. I know, I know.. that Emeril guy routinely uses it before commercials. But I've never seen him yell out 'We're taking it up a notch' at a bar after ordering a BakerBomb (chilled shot of Wild Turkey and Bacardi 151). If you've got issue with all of this, tough. I'm gonna have to pull the 'It's my blog' card.

Anyway, sorry for the late (boring) post.. my excuse is that it'll be hard to one-up this past weekend since we took it up a notch.


At 2/21/2006 8:10 AM, Blogger Moose said...

I am pretty sure I am the one that shortened the name to Weezy, also I am pretty sure "the famous nickname the Tick might have come from Yours truly. Now that is a one upper.

At 2/21/2006 12:16 PM, Blogger Dev said...

touche. Giving the nickname the Tick is of legendary status.

At 2/23/2006 9:58 AM, Blogger Moose said...

You coming to Cola this weekend for the drag show.

At 2/23/2006 3:13 PM, Blogger Dev said...

Well, as much as I'd like to come up for Meredith's big gay birthday.. I have a 120 pound hog to cook off of the South Atlantic.

At 2/24/2006 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dev, remember when ian said his dad invented the internet?

At 2/25/2006 3:02 PM, Blogger Dev said...

I thought he said his dad invented Al Gore, who subsequently invented the internet?


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