Friday, February 03, 2006

Crummy: Saludos Amigos

Having already paid over $600 in gas bills for this winter to heat my home in the warmest December and January in recorded history, I broke down and bought an electric blanket. Yes, it has been warm, even in Ohio. Ignoring the obvious fire risks that an electric blanket creates, there are other major drawbacks to turning the heat down and wrapping yourself in an electric blanket. First, you are limited to a very confined area, namely, your bed or couch. Second, any part of your body (i.e., your remote control hand) outside of the blanket automatically freezes. Third, the previous two reasons result in the watching of some poor television. This leads me to the point; I stumbled upon a cartoon/documentary by Walt Disney: "Saludos Amigos."

This documentary is hilarious. Of course, it includes cartoons starring Donald Duck and Goofy. But also, the cartoons depict the funniest aspects of the Mexican stereotype. Ole Walt and his enlightened attempt to expose us Yanks to the cultures of the world. We even got live action video of the Disney gang touring around south-of-the-border and drawing. Imagine that, a movie showing the cartoonists drawing the cartoons. I call that pure genius. Without the electric blanket, I would have changed the channel.

On a side note, is anyone else concerned that Peter Brady is doing workout machine infomercials or that they still play reruns of Roseanne?

In honor of the Super Bowl, check this out.


At 2/03/2006 12:34 PM, Blogger Dev said...

Welcome aboard Crumbaker.. if I was writing a Spanish Disney cartoon, I would have Goofy go up to Mickey and say 'So you think you can dance esse?'


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