The SoD College Football Pick'em Contest
I'd like to officially announce the 1st annual Summer of Dev College Football Pick'em Contest. The contest will be fairly simple. We'll announce each Sunday which 10 games we'll be covering. The contest will use the early betting lines and all entries must be submitted by Wednesday of that week. The early deadline is due to the fact that all members of the SoD firmly believe in football being played as many days out of the week as possible, so most Thursday night games will be included in the contest.
But wait, there's more..
Knowing how hard-hitting and insightful my analysis [link 1, link 2, link 3] was last season, I've decided to take it up a notch this year. Each writer of the SoD will give a preview of a certain game for that week's contest, along with a joint prognostication of USC's next game.
So what do I win?
This contest will be purely for braggin' rights. Side-bets between members are allowed (and encouraged). Also, if any other blogs think their writers can go toe to toe with the Summer of Dev staff.. I'll gladly tally individual entries as part of a group also. The scores will be published here. Each week's winner will have their picture (either submitted or one from my archives) framed on the SoD until the next round of games. In the case of a tie, no pictures will change because I'm too lazy... unless there are numerous perfect entries, in which case we'll just nail up some more picture frames. The overall winner will have their mug on display until the end of the college basketball season.
Questions? Shoot us an email.
You can also find an in-depth report every week by my Sr. Football analyst @ the leftoverhotdog on up and coming USC games. he will also give his quick picks for gambling that week.
Cheaper than parlay cards!
This oughta be good!
Yeah but, Pluto's not a planet anymore.
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