penny: gator bait
some of you privileged readers have had the chance to see me in a bourbon induced rage. lately im happy to say that ive gotten control of my temper and only fight the occasional case of road rage. but i cant help but get pissed at check out lines.
i got carded today at walmart for buying grease. plain white grease. can someone help me out here? is there some kind of drug with grease in it? and since when do i have to be 18 to buy it? and with a full beard do i really LOOK under 18?
yesterday at publix i picked up a 12 pack and a sub and placed my two items on the conveyor belt three feet behind the last item of the lady in front of me. the cashier stopped scanning and made a point of putting a divider behind the ladies stuff. then he looks at me and rolls his eyes for not putting it there myself. did i not leave enough of a visual clue to show what was mine?
is there checkout etiquette im not aware of?
a little help from the readers please.
bar tip of the week...want to be noticed at a bar? a guy last night brought a two year old alligator into the bar. i didnt know that they only grow a foot a year, so at 2 feet from snout to tail it was on the cute side. weve had celebrities in our bar from arturo gatti to the swedish bikini team, and ive honestly never seen someone get so much attention. well as much as the swedes anyways.
Check out lines are an evil place. However, I believe proper etiquette for separating your items from those in front of you is to use the divider if you can reach it comfortably. Unfortunately, obvious visual clues are not enough. Otherwise, if the person in front of you would like their goods separated from yours they must place the divider in the appropriate location. The cashier may not, under any circumstances, place the divider in between the goods. Actually, the only permissible touching of the divider by the cashier is to push it back into the specially designed slider-thingy.
I have a good check out line story. I was in a grocery story the other night on the darker side of town buying Tomtom beer since he forgot to grab some while heading to a party. I am not sure how you forget the beer at a party but that is another story in it self. While I was the only white person in the BILO, and maybe for a couple miles: I obeyed the rules of the road. I grabbed the beer and got in the 12 items or less line. While the store was filled full of Canadians that night a nice old lady in front of me who had way more the 12 items asked me what I was doing. I said just going to a 4th of July party, and I was hoping she would let me go in front of her. That wasn’t the case, after about 15 minute in line since there was only 3 lines open, I made it up to the counter. So not paying attention, thinking about getting hammered, the old black lady in front of me and her 30 items gets rejected on her welfare card. So she has to start taking items back. So after 15 minute of listing to her explain her said story about being broke, she finally purchased 12 items, the other 24 were put into a buggy for later purchase I guess. I paid and got the hell out of dodge. I guess she didn’t have problem with having more then 12 items because in the end, she only paid for 12.
carded for grease? lmao.
I'm clueless about the potentional uses for such an item... but I can tell you when I get carded for alcohol, I'm a happy girl.
Penny -- this is just further proof that it's time for you to get your butt back to South Cackalacky!
As for me, my pet peeve would be what LJ experienced at the BiLo. I hate people with 36 items in the 12 or less line. It's called the Express Line for a reason people. I even manage to get a little irritated when someone's there with 10.
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