Monday, June 19, 2006

Blogging Reality


What's up?

aight, cool deal then..

I'd just like to clarify about wty saying that I have been doing nothing. Sure.. I haven't been curing cancer, or learning how to fly, or cleaning my garage but I have been very involved in other activities. These hobbies include, but are not limited to, spending time on the beach, drinking white russians, and creating social clubs. My excessive free time has incapacitated me. But here's the real catalyst for my recent blogless days:

A few nights ago I won a round of last man standing. But instead of sealing the deal, I involuntarily made absurd conversation which I have formerly tried to limit to the blogosphere. I can only remember bits and pieces of the conversation I was having with this poor, innocent girl. I remember talking for about 15 minutes on how I've always supported plain yellow mustard, but that's in the past ever since I stumbled onto a bottle of fancy deli mustard.

"...yep, I won't touch many condiments that lack the word dijon in their title.."

I realized how ridiculous that was a few hours later. Am I writing the blog or is the blog defining me? Sounds like the chicken or the egg debate. Sure, I was born a couple of decades before the blog (which turned one a few weeks ago).. but it could be more complicated than that. Either way, I figured it was time to take a break.. and confided in one of the few people I can always turn to: Gail. So I told her about my situation and she replied with 'well, that does sound like a tough call.. but have you decided if you want your usual hashbrowns or something different?" That said it all.

Anyway, to make a short story a little bit longer I decided to take a break but now I can guarantee to rant for atleast one more year.


At 6/20/2006 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

davey, i'm not one your regular friends. not sure how you would define me. [insert chickmuck story here] but in any case, i would like to say it's good to have you back. you've been missed. i tried the last man standing game tonight after the hurricane's win. i figure i have a few things going for me. the elusive ethinic look, southern accent, and i'm a damn good softball player. well she remembered me from softball. she complimanted me and my accent. but then when i asked for more, i got the ole "i just got out of a 5 yr relationship" shpeel. i must get that more than any guy in the world. please women of SOD, please come up with something more creative, so i dont blow a hole through my gonads. yes, i did just say gonads.

At 6/20/2006 11:56 AM, Blogger Dev said...

Here's tip #1:
Never tell a girl she has pretty dark eyes... they kinda look like you haven't been getting much sleep lately.

I think I could create an entirely new section of the blog with this.

At 6/20/2006 11:57 AM, Blogger Dev said...

And there's always Advice Man's 'hey girl, you got a pretty face..'

At 6/20/2006 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last man standing isn't a game; it is a way of life. Some of us can only dream about it, but others strive like a crack-head on the corner of two notch waiting for another fix to get them thru the day. The stories of legends like no-same b. martin, or Johnny Damon look a likes, or even the Tick trying to survive in the lifestyle of last man standing. It is kind of like back when we were kids playing king of the hill on a giant mound of dirt, but there is no dirt just some random drunk Girl.

At 6/21/2006 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are you and what have you done with SOD???


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