Monday, April 03, 2006

Time Travel

This past weekend was also a chance to warp through time during Daylight Saving Time. I read somewhere that it wasn't until 1966 that Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which specifically detailed when our clocks were to spring forward (or fall back). Before then, states and counties were free to decide when to reset their clocks on their own. Obviously this led to a lot of confusion. That must have been pretty crazy.. imagine having to go through even more Y2K catastrophes!

Unlike you fools though, I didn't have to change my clocks. I'm a rebel.. I never fell back in October. I hate to break this to you, but time is not something we can alter. Sure, we can change how we perceive time.. but that's a bit too secular to be of concern to me. For all of you that play by the rules, remember that President Bush declared that DST will be extended by 4 weeks starting in 2007.

Occasionally, people ask me 'why don't you set the time in your car or watch?' Well this weekend answered that! I hope all you nerds had fun adjusting your hour settings. Enjoy having to twist that little dial on your watch all the while hoping you didn't go too far? I got to sit back and laugh during all of this (actually, I was getting some hashbrowns). Granted, I've had to solve an equation in order to tell time the past few months.. but it was worth it. Well worth it.


At 4/04/2006 4:30 PM, Blogger Dev said...

Hey people,
I just wanted to alert yall that at 2 minutes and 3 seconds after 1 AM tonight the time will be:
01:02:03 on 04/05/06.

This sequential arrangement will never happen again under our current system.

At 4/04/2006 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually it will happen again in 100 years.

At 4/04/2006 10:54 PM, Blogger Dev said...

That's what I get for using 'never'.. good call tmac.

I guess it's a centennial event.

At 4/05/2006 8:50 AM, Blogger Moose said...

I also heard this is when the earth will lose its gravitation pull and we will all float out into space. See you later

At 4/05/2006 1:36 PM, Blogger Dev said...

I once heard that the Earth rotates at about 40,000 mph.. if the Earth lost its gravitational pull we'd be shot like baseballs out of a pitching machine.

That sock needs to come home..


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